
December 31, 2014 § Leave a comment

She stared at him thinking to herself how she had never seen him without his glasses on. Not once in all the time she had known him, not even for a moment and that seemed impossibly strange. They’d been caught in the rain before yet she couldn’t remember him removing them then either. She had simply look away and they were clean.

What would he look like without them? Even with them he always seemed vaguely tired, his blue eyes partially obscured by droopy eyelids and a thoughtful stare. There was a real sleepy open charm to them she supposed. His gaze never seemed confrontational only calm and curious.

He was resting an finger on his lip idly when he realized her gaze. Had she wanted something?  His mind had been wandering maybe she had said something and he’d missed it?

“So…” He mumbled sheepish, hoping that the method worked. When he missed things he found the word so encouraged people to elaborate if they were talking and could be played off if they weren’t.

“So,” She repeated lowering her hand and smiling. “So what?”

“Ah nothing.” He shook his head. “I’m not sure what I meant to say. Forget it.” A slight apologetic smile followed it.

“Okay.” She tilted her head. There was that absentmindedness of his. It would irritate her from others but with him it was just natural. Talking was almost an afterthought with him.

They often spent time together without saying a word. It was a comfortable silence though and she enjoyed it more than made sense. In her previous relationships she hated that silence, it made things awkward and she tried to fill it.

Reaching out a hand she tapped his glasses where they rested above his nose. “Do you always wear them?”

“I don’t like contacts.” He shrugged. “They’re… unnerving. Plus…” He hesitated.

“Plus.” She pressed leaning forward.

“Well,” He chuckled gesturing towards the ceiling. “Without them I look half asleep,”

“Which you are and always do.” She interrupted grinning at him.

“Well yeah.” He agreed sheepishly. “But that’s at best, sometimes I swear I look absolutely stoned off my ass without them.”


“I don’t know. I think so.” Taking them in his hand he removed them revealing unobstructed sleepy eyes. “What do you think?”

“You just look sleepy.” Patting his cheek she proceeded to swiped his glasses. They were too big for her and slid down her nose but didn’t actually distort her vision all that much. “Are they me?” She asked playfully.

“Definitely… As far as I can tell at least.”

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