
December 30, 2014 § Leave a comment

Between a madman and genius as an opponent the choice was simple. He would choose the genius everytime, a genius at least could be scrutinized and understood. A madman… well a madman was simply beyond complete understanding. Give him a villain the likes of Bane over the Joker any day. The genius could be a sadistic, twisted bastard but any action they took had weight.

One died much more often at the hands of a madman. A madman simple does not care they’ll kill you if they want to, act without hesitation, and with impunity. The genius on the other hand is aware he has something to lose and that may cause him to hesitate. That was as much as it amounted to in his mind. A madman does not care and a man that does not care has nothing to lose. Catastrophic results typically occurred.

These were things he always told the newbies who often failed to understand that the smartest villain was not always the most dangerous. For all a genius’s planning and weaponry they were only egomaniacal, maleficent, and greedy but at the end of the day they were at least sane. A madman will revel in the act regardless of whether the act will prove profitable in any time except the present. The lower the villain rated on the Psychopathic  Scale the better the chance you had not to lose your life pointlessly. To die at the hands of a madman was such a shame.

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