Idle Thoughts

December 28, 2014 § Leave a comment

What was the point of charity if you get something in return? Even if all you were to do was accept a tax deduction he felt it rather went against the very notion of charity. Shouldn’t you merely take all that charity as a pure act of altruism? Perhaps it didn’t make the act of charity any less valuable but it diminished it’s meaning to him when you accepted anything at all in return. He of course acknowledged that it was the way things worked, he wasn’t so much of idealist that he couldn’t recognize the nature of the world.

Sometimes though he wished that the world worked by the logic his mind deciphered. Things would be a lot better, there’d be equality for everyone, people could marry regardless of gender, and there would be a prescribed ways to do things. Most of all there would be no Christmas music any time except the week of Christmas. How he despised that hokey, irritating nonsense beyond almost anything else. Anyway that aside he felt he’d probably make a rather lousy leader of any kind all he wanted to do was for things to make logical sense. Leadership material he certainly was not.

Maybe politics? He thought idly. There was a part of him that always felt an inclination towards the notion. You could make a difference in politics though currently it was hard to imagine that having ever been possible. Still in theory you could make a difference, if you were willing to fight for it and weedle for it. The weedling part didn’t appeal much to him but yet again he accepted that it was the way it worked. All this was of course just a minor daydream he hadn’t really ever want to run for office, that was a hassle he rather not experience and likely would not. If someone ever offered him an office he’d take it. He’d like to think that he would make a fine politician though he might have too much devotion and certainty in his belief for his own good.

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